Friday 21 February 2014

“Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense.”

I like the sound the wind makes when it shakes the tree leaves.

I like it when I see fog over a lake.

I like to go to the cinema, because you can literally feel every sound in a movie, like the cling of the teacups or a quiet breath or the opening-closing of the lips when an actor speaks.

I like to take a walk on a gravel path because I love the sound my feet make on gravel.

I like to observe people's hands.

I like to sit alone on my couch and watch a movie by myself.

I like the smell of pasta when it is being cooked.

I like to watch my favourite movies over and over again.

I like to go through old photos from time to time.

I like a hot cup of tea.

I like to imagine alternative responses during a discussion.

I like the smell of book pages.

I like libraries. They are magical places.

I like the sound my pen makes when I tap it on an open thick book.

I like to read. A lot.

I like the smell of drugstores.

I like cooking. It's like a simple, daily alchemy.

I like depressing poems.

I like to give different names to people. I think that there is a name for everyone that suits him/her better than the one s/he has.

"Curiouser and curiouser..."

Lilian White 

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