Saturday 9 August 2014

Frozen through the eyes of Tim Burton...

If Tim Burton drew Frozen...

A Japanese girl helps us discover the alternative magic of Disney's Frozen

Yoko is the name of the Japanese girl who likes drawing pictures, as she states in her tumblr. Surfing the Internet about Tim Burton, I came across this hidden treasure.

Yoko created some pictures based on Disney's animation Frozen in the style of Tim Burton's drawing and here's the results:

I believe that she has done a very good job and that she depicts very well the melancholic romanticism of Burton. The big eyes and skeleton figures of the characters remind us very clearly of the famous director/producer's style. The pictures make me dream of how the outcome would be if one of the most beloved directors of Hollywood met a magical story like Frozen.

And that's not all of it!...

It's worth to take a glimpse at Yoko's tumblr here and see the rest of the pictures!

Useful links:
Frozen on IMDB click here

Yoko's tumblr click here

Frost hails,

Lilian White

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